By Aruna Ladva, London, from the World Renewal With all the gloom and doom, we keep...
Concentrate On Personal Change
Personal change has many hidden benefits. When I do not get upset thinking about how...
Stop stress from damaging your immunity
Dr Judith M. Kocken, from the Daily Guardian In most countries of the world, the...
Connecting with God brings power and happiness
Dadi Janki from The Daily Guardian When you are happy, you do not worry about anything....
Being A Living Ignited Lamp
by Éric Le Reste from The Daily Guardian We have not been able to celebrate the...
From the Age of Darkness to the Age of Light
Although the origins of Christmas and Diwali, the Festival of Lights, are several...
Finish the Past and Live in the Present
Preparing for a journey we recognize what is needed and what to leave behind. On this...
The Difference Between Religion and Spirituality
When we see the external form of religion that people practice, such as rituals, prayer,...