The Online Community of L’Émergence

Online activities

Although the center is due to close its doors in the coming weeks, we are continuing our online activities. So many opportunities to recreate an oasis of peace in the comfort of your own home. Looking forward to meeting you again !


Join our online community on our Facebook page.
Live meditation every day of the week at 12 : 30 PM. INFO


Follow our lectures live on our YouTube channel.
Discover our online meditation courses, lectures, workshops, etc.


Oasis of peace evenings  |  Meditate for the well-being of our loved ones and the planet

At L’Émergence, we have taken the initiative to unite our highest thoughts in order to spread vibrations of peace, love and compassion every Sunday evening to all those in need across the world and to the nature as well. A moment of gentleness, spiritual unity and solidarity.

Visit the Oasis of Peace online on our Livestream channel.

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