Everything that happens in the theater of life has a deep meaning. Nothing is random. ...
What You See is Not What You Are!
If you know a little of yourself, you will have realized that you are more than meets...
Where is in all that is happening?
God is our spiritual Father and the Highest spiritual energy in the Universe. Over many...
The quality of thought creates the quality of life, by Anthony Strano
Think of a seed. It is like a point: small, tiny and compact, yet it holds all...
To Overcome Fear, Empower The Soul
The mind has two great enemies – fear and worry. Everyone experiences some kind of fear....
Tennis Lessons for Life
Who knew my tennis lessons would end up becoming lessons for my life? They’ve really...
Letting Go
We spend most of our lives holding on to so many things, usually framed by the past,...
Lightness of Disposition is a Gift for All
Lightness is not to be taken lightly. It is an invaluable quality in many respects. A...