Finish the Past and Live in the Present

Finish the Past and Live in the Present

Preparing for a journey we recognize what is needed and what to leave behind. On this spiritual journey packing up our past actions is the first thing that  needs packing and disposing.  Actually we need to pack up everything internally – even that which...
Handle Criticism Well

Handle Criticism Well

Watch out! Criticism coming in fast from the right!  “Wham” – It’s a hit. Did you feel it? The biggest criticism hitters are usually the ones we don’t see coming, or spot just a second or two before they hit, making it too late to intercept, swerve, dodge or deflect....
Why do we often feel so tired?

Why do we often feel so tired?

“Fatigue makes fools of us all. It robs us of our skills, our judgement, and blinds us to creative solutions.” Harvey Mackay Who does not complain of tiredness today? Everyone is tired. From young children, to the middle aged and the elderly. But tired of what? Tired...


A great deal of our communication is nonverbal, and we rarely realize the impact that is has on others. Our tone of voice, our body language (particularly our eyes and face), our attitudes, and our feelings are constantly in communication with others, expressing...

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